Fertility Medication Instructional Videos

We’re here to help you take your medications with confidence. Just click on the medication name for downloadable information and video instructions on how to administer your prescription—or you can book a FREE virtual medication lesson with a clinical educator.

Meet Your Meds

Get an overview of your medications and their storage instructions or learn how to deliver subcutaneous or intramuscular injections. If the videos don’t answer all your questions, you can also download our complete Fertility Medication Handbook for more information.

Meet Your Meds
Intramuscular Injection
Subcutaneous Injection

About Your Medication

Medication-specific instructions are located at the links below. Just click to the name of your medications to learn more.

If the idea of injecting yourself (or a loved one) with medication is intimidating, you’re certainly not alone. Many patients express uncertainty or even fear of the requirements for fertility medication regimens.

To help alleviate some of these concerns, VFP Pharmacy Group has compiled some resources for patients who’d like some guidance. Below, you’ll find links to additional information on frequently used fertility treatment medications as well as instructional videos.

If you’d like one-on-one instruction, you can request a free virtual medication consultation with one of our experienced clinical educators. They’ll meet with you over a video call to answer any questions you have and walk you through all your medications and injection techniques, and any other procedures you’re having trouble with.

The information presented here regarding reconstitution, use and administration of medications used in fertility treatment, should be used in conjunction with your fertility center’s full medication instructions. If you have additional questions please contact your VFP Pharmacy Group pharmacist or your physician’s office.